source : themalaysianinsider.com
aku copy n paste dulu artikel..
"Yen Yen admits RM1m allocation for Todt
By Shannon Teoh
KUALA LUMPUR, June 24 — The government has allocated RM1 million for former Ferrari Formula One team boss Jean Todt to spend over two years as Malaysia’s Tourism ambassador.
But Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Ng Yen Yen said no disbursements have been made since his appointment in May.
The MCA vice president also denied that Todt has been given any land in Terengganu as part of the deal.
“As far as I know, Todt does not own any land in Terengganu,” she said.
PKR vice president Azmin Ali caused a stir this morning when he demanded a full disclosure of the deal with Todt and his fiancée, Malaysian actress Datuk Michelle Yeoh, claiming that almost RM1 million had already been spent on the Frenchman.
Ng, however, said that the figures the Gombak MP had quoted were untrue as Todt was serving on a voluntary basis and the government was only covering his travel expenses in the course of promoting Malaysia as a tourist destination.
“One million in Europe gets you nothing nowadays,” she said, defending the appointment.
She added that Todt was chosen for his international presence and connectivity, which would give Malaysia greater visibility.
Ng claimed that Todt had personally helped the ministry make influential contacts in Paris, including a top film producer, magazine publisher and aides of French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
Her claim that the allocation is for two years nevertheless contradicts the announcement she made in May regarding Todt’s appointment, when she said it was for just one year."

pergh, gler banyak tu..duit kementerian ke yang engkau suka-suki hati nak bagi kat mat saleh tu..siap boley cakap lagi "..as Todt was serving on a voluntary basis.."..kalo x silap aku, kalo orang tu volunteer mau tolong kita, kita patut bagi saguhati cikit2 sudah ler..takkan sampai 1juta kot..
kaya btol menteri2 kat malaysia yang ter-chenta ni..anyway, Ng Yen Yen ni ade anak sedara yang sama kos ngan aku, aku penah panas ati jugak ngan die..susah nak co-operate ngan orang, padahal aku ketua group..ikot suka-suki kepala hotak die aje..
n ayat x boley belah "..One million in Europe gets you nothing nowadays.."..
jap aku nak kira nilai duit malaysia jap..(25th june 09)
RM ke US dolar
1000000 MYR = 282,724.52845 USD
Malaysian Ringgit U.S. Dollar
1 MYR = 0.28272 USD 1 USD = 3.53701 MYR
RM ke Euro
1000000 MYR = 202,597.29735 EUR
Malaysian Ringgit Euro
1 MYR = 0.20260 EUR 1 EUR = 4.93590 MYR
1000000 MYR = 171,822.76788 GBP
Malaysian Ringgit British Pound
1 MYR = 0.17182 GBP 1 GBP = 5.81995 MYR
dengan assumption Todt guna duit tu fully dalam euro, so die dapat 202,597.29735 EUR..dibahagi dengan 24bulan(die jadi duta 2tahun) = die dapat 8441.554/month(dlm euro)..atau lagi best, kalo kita bahagi ngan hari(iaitu 365x2=730), Todt akan dapat 277.53/day(dalam euro)..
tu kita x consider duit tepi, duit bawah meja, duit kopi, duit milo, duit pampers anak, duit untuk holiday kat malaysia..kaya btol orang tua ni(sekarang ni umo die 63tahun)..