Monday, February 15, 2010

Kereteee keneee tarikkkkkk

Aku link-kan satu artikel dari kosmo sambil aku tulis : "tak abes2 penarikan kete..sebab nak rush sangat, sanggup abaikan certain tests"

Kosmo! Online - Dunia
SAO PAULO - Pengeluar kereta kedua terbesar di Brazil selepas Fiat, Volkswagen kelmarin mengumumkan penarikan balik hampir 200,000 unit model Novo Gol dan Voyage yang dikeluarkan di Brazil sebelum Julai 2009 berikutan masalah roda belakang yang mungkin boleh tertanggal.

Senior aku, Bro F
ok la tarik blk..bleh pastikan pengguna puas hati dan selamat..
aku tertanya2, proton penah x buat penarikan blk?

penah..kat savvy..ade problem bearing kt tayar..time proton tarik tu, semua org kutuk2..tup2 sekarang, toyota, honda, VW pon ade tarik kete

Bro F
toyota, honda ni dh pnah dah sblm ni tarik blk. kete2 us pon dah bese tarik blk, ford la klo xsilap aku pasal tank minyak. bnde biase je tarik ni. diorg dah biar pengguna pakai, baru nak perasan kerosakan, so tarik blk la. kadang2 rosak sket pon tarik blk jugak..

tp, aku salute la dorg tarik la, walaopon cam malu cikit, tapi takpe la asalkan customer selamat

Bro F
haha..aku tunggu gak kalo2 proton nk tarik blk kete die yg power window xleh naik2 ni.

Aku, tu bukan ke trademark proton..bukan problem da..heheh

lately, banyak manufacturer kete da tarik balik beberapa model kete dorang atas problem tersendiri..

"Honda will pull back all the Jazz cars produced in 2001 until 2008. Honda says there are problems in production that can trigger of a fire."

"Toyota has just announced a huge recall. About 3.8 million vehicles are included, and that includes the 2004 to 2009 Prius hybrid. Since that's probably a fairly popular car with our readers, we thought it would be a good idea to let you know. Other models affected are: 2007 to 2010 Camry; 2005 to 2010 Avalon; 2005 to 2010 Tacoma; 2007 to 2010 Tundra; 2007 to 2010 ES 350; and 2006 to 2010 IS 250 and 2006 to 2010 IS 350"

problem2 ni berlaku mungkin disebabkan beberapa faktor(my opinion):
no1- terkejar2 nak release kereta before something..for example, before Raya Puasa, CNY yang mana ada orang yang beli kereta baru mungkin sebab nak menunjukkan kat kampung..

no2- masa yang diperuntukkan untuk car testing dikurangkan

no3- nak jimatkan kos?

no4- nak release kereta before competitor release kereta dorang

no5- da memang trademark company tu(power window erk?!)

p/s : kalo proton nak ambik new engineer, saya still available..hehe

kalo mamat British(jeremy clarkson) ni jadi CEO Proton, tak taw la apa nak jadi pasni..

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